Harvest permission required for creating and using Harvest Dashboard account

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In order to create a Harvest Dashboard account, we require you to have Admin permissions in Harvest.

Why do I need to be an admin in Harvest to use Harvest Dashboard?

This is because in order to calculate project costs, we need access to Cost Rates of resources. Admin is the only role in Harvest allowing for this.

Permission error on creating Harvest Dashboard account

If you are attempting to create a Harvest Dashboard account and you are not an admin in Harvest, you'll see the following message:

You will need to talk to your organisation admin to get your permissions adjusted.

I am trying to log in and I am being told about permission issues. But I already have been using Harvest Dashboard up until now?

If during the sync process (manual or automatic) we notice that your permissions have changed and you are no longer an admin, next time you attempt to log in, you'll see an error like this:

I got an email telling me about permission issues, but I already have been using Harvest Dashboard up until now?

If during the sync process (manual or automatic) we notice that your permissions have changed and you are no longer an admin, we'll send you and email that looks like this:

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